Episode 18

Published on:

9th May 2023

Best Strategies to Attract and Retain World-Class Talent with Glenn Lundy, President of 800% Elite Automotive Club

“We've created a culture in society where we think people are going to go work for the highest bidder, but that's not what it's all about. It's about creating an environment where people can chase their dreams and live fulfilled lives.”

Glenn Lundy, President and CEO of 800% Elite Automotive Club, doesn’t tell his team what to do. Instead, he’s built a world-class company culture where each member is driven to become their best selves in the seven pillars of life: faith, fitness, family, finances, friends, career, and self.

In this episode, Glenn discusses his empowering leadership style, encouraging freedom and autonomy at work and being results-oriented. Along the way, he touches on the struggles that most leaders face in cultivating their business culture, finding the right people for the job, and how you can inspire those around you.

In this episode, you’ll learn

  1. What it means to live an 800% life
  2. The traits of a world-class business culture
  3. What most business owners get wrong about leadership

Things to Listen For

[10:16] What it means to live an 800% life

[19:54] Why ego holds some leaders back

[22:10] Words leaders aren’t saying enough

[25:16] Why leaders can’t find good people

[25:56] Surprises around business building


Connect with the Guest

Connect with the Host & Floyd Coaching:


Kate: This is Lead With Culture. I'm Kate Volman, and on this episode we're talking about the best strategies to attract and retain great talent. In fact, my guest today has attracted some of the best people in the world in his industry to work for his organization, and they took a pay cut to do it.

Yeah, so crazy. You'll find out how on this episode. My guest is Glenn Lundy. He has dedicated the past 25 years of his life to the automotive industry and has built a reputation as a respected professional in the field. He is the founder of the 800% Elite Automotive Club, a membership based organization for people in the automotive space.

He hosts a daily morning show called The 800% Club, where he shares his insights and knowledge to help people around the world unlock their full potential. Enjoy my conversation with Glen.


you know, it's awesome. It's, one thing to feel a certain way. most of my life I've always felt like I had a gift of speaking, but it's another thing to have. to go into a competition with 27,000 people and to have thousands and thousands of people vote and to give me the crown of the greatest speaker in America, it's been pretty incredible.

So, I'm incredibly grateful for all the people that, cheered and chanted, and texted and sent in and submitted and

they whittled it down to the top four. Those top four performed at Growth Con 10 x Growth Conference, big business conference in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand. And then the audience, which there was about six or 7,000 people in the audience live, and then another 35,000 online.

the audience voted and. They picked this guy.





seven years.


before we dive into it what is your definition of, culture when you think about company culture?


I know a lot of people like to talk about, you gotta develop the culture, you gotta have the, saunas and you gotta have the, nap pods like Google and you gotta have all these, different things. And you might need those things if that is a part of, your vision.

But ultimately it's the line. And so, we have a line in our company. the line in, our company is a line of excellence. worldclass is really the word that we like to use around here. And so with our company, everything that we do is with a world-class mindset. And the expectation on every employee is that they perform at a world class level.

Now we've taken a playbook out of Netflix, and Netflix has a culture of freedom and responsibility, which is, amazing, there's 128 page PowerPoint document about creating a culture of freedom and responsibility. I. And so we have one policy, and our policy here is to act in the best interest of the company.

Nobody has a schedule. They can take as much time off of work as they want to take off. I don't care about how we get the results. All I know is that we deliver and expect world class performances. From our products and from our people. And so culture to me is just the line in the sand. Where do you draw the line in the sand for your company and then build to that


You are in the automotive space.

which is interesting. what have been some of the challenges that you've seen in automotive space and in building your company to support them?


Getting owners of dealerships, people that have been doing things a certain way for a very long time, getting them to understand how important it is, especially during this day and age, that we shift the culture in their dealership, that we really do get, some clarity on what they're doing. Most, owners of car dealerships in this industry believe that their job is to sell cars.

And that's not their job. It's never been their job, and that's why most of them do an average job. At best. The dealerships that truly excel understand that cars have nothing to do with it. It's their job to develop their people. And when they develop their people, they just accidentally sell a whole bunch of cars.

And so we go in and we have to. Really shift that for some people that have been very successful. Most of my clients are, millionaires. They're, high net, income earners. So they've had success, but good is the enemy of great. And so we're teaching people how to truly be excellent, not just be good.



That's how we drive clients and it's how we attract people. Their number

two role






people on the team if we don't market the company. Right, because the right people like winners wanna work with winners, champions wanna work with champions, right? Deadbeats, just go take jobs wherever. And so in order to build a world class organization, and this is why you talked about it earlier, you're like, Glen, you're always talking about.

How you acquire your talent and the things that you're doing in your company. And it's very inspiring, right? That's because I want Kate Bowmans of the world to go, golly, I would love to go brick and work with that guy, And so that's why I share all the things. So it's marketing, I'm drawing attention.

I'm saying, Hey, look at me. Our company's amazing. You should come work here. And then once people come into the organization, Then we go, okay, now that we've attracted top talent, it's our job now to really squeeze the freaking juice outta that thing


And I thought, man, that's crazy. So you're building this team, you're driving this business, you're making all these shifts and changes and, like all entrepreneurs, right? You're navigating through the business and. You said, I am hiring the most incredible people. And by the way, those people are the most talented at what they do, and they're coming to work for me, and they're taking a pay cut to come work for me and build this organization because you've painted that vision Like that is a huge statement to make. Your people are taking pay cuts to come work for Glen Lundy and build out


and the other one He quit a half a million dollar a year job. To come work for me for 60 K. And then I have three others that were making 200, 250 grand a year and they quit to come work for me at 60 k a year.

I have one lady, she was making, uh, 90, she quit come work for me for 60. Now, of course, they're not gonna make 60 forever and they have upside to make way more than that. they will all make more than that in, the long run. But, they want to be a part of a growing, thriving, winning. Culture and the places that they're currently at are painting them big bucks, but they

don't feel like they're




You can win financially, you can win spiritually. You can win in your fitness. You can win in your career. this whole BS story we've been told where you have to sacrifice this for that and you're gonna lose this to gain that, It's not real. you can win all the way across the board.

There's seven pillars of life, So we've got faith, fitness, family, finances, friends, career and self, right? Our mental health. So when you're winning in all seven, that's what I call an 800% light, cuz you unlock that 800th percent cuz we're winning in seven pillars. And so I paint the picture of that online.

Everyone knows that I am a world-class husband. Everyone that knows me knows that I'm a world-class father. Everyone that knows me knows that I take care of myself physically. Everybody that knows me knows that financially I'm doing okay. we've got a jet in a 9,700 square foot building.

Everyone knows that. I got cool ass friends. I hang out with fricking Grant Cardone and Tim's story, Nell Delgado, So they see me winning in all these different areas and they're like, I want that. So every one of my employees, it wasn't them saying yes to me, it was me saying yes to them. They came to me and said, Hey Glen, I want to come work with you. Can I come be a part of your team? And this is what I told every one of them, Kate, you would be an idiot come work for me. What do you mean you wanna come work for me?

You're making half a million bucks a year, dude. You got it freaking made. You're 28 years old, you're making half a million dollars a year.

And you know what they all say? I don't care about the money, man.

I want to be a better father. I want to be a better husband. I want to do things with my kids on the weekends. Like I want to live a full life where I feel like I'm growing and I'm winning in all the areas.

Cuz most of my employees were winning financially and winning in their career, struggling at home. Struggling in relationships, struggling with their kids, struggling to take care of themself fitness-wise, right? most of 'em were winning in two or three areas and losing in the rests, and they don't want that.

So it was me saying yes to them. Like, okay, I guess you could come work for me. And that's literally how it's been for every one of my employees. I have at least 45 additional resumes in the pipeline of people that want to come be a part of our organization.

And so as we continue to grow and scale we'll start to reach out to some of them I guess.


I'm gonna bring you alongside and we're gonna achieve, not only do you get to achieve your dreams personally, but now you're building and achieving the dreams professionally and building a business together, which is so exciting. You get to do both of those things, and that's what people want. We want progress, we wanna get better.

We wanna grow.


Last week we were all in Nashville, Tennessee at the Gaylord Opry land. I'm having an event down there and I'm not like, oh, well it's my event, so I'm gonna go and I'm gonna bring like three people to save cost. I'm like, dude, everyone's invited. Bring your wife, bring your kids. There's a waterpark.

they bring their families. we do fun stuff together that offsets this culture that we've created in society where we think, people are gonna go work for the highest bidder, and that's not what it's all about,

it's when you can create an environment where people can, chase their dreams and, live a fulfilled life,


But when both of those things happen, that's when you're creating a lot of trust in the organization and you're building this great culture where people feel supported and heard. And, one of the things I also notice and recognize is your. Understanding of everyone's got their superpower. let people use their superpower and give them the autonomy to try different things.

and as long as the mission is very clear, which is a challenge for a lot of leaders in that they're working with people, they aren't really clear what their role is, they aren't really clear what winning looks like. And as you're building your team, What does that look like in your organization?

Like how does your team know what winning looks like? That they're doing a great job. They know how they're being evaluated. they're on a, growth trajectory and, the objectives and mission of the organization and their, role is getting accomplished every day.


I'm not gonna tell you what to do. If I have to tell you what to do, then I don't need you. that's just facts. if I can do it, Then I don't need you. when I hire people, I'm like, this is the result that we're trying to get. This is what I, believe your skillset is. Tell me if I'm wrong.

once we plug you in, I expect you to come to the table and say, here's how I'm gonna make the company better.. for example, Casey, she does all our paid social media. marketing on Facebook and all of our paid digital. And, the first three months that she was here, her and I had three conversations.

Each time was for her to tell me what we needed to do and what she needed to be successful She just got in, did the job, figured it out, and she's a fricking rockstar. She is amazing. She's got her little space here. We have a 9,700 square foot place.

Based on their personalities, I let 'em pick their offices wherever they want 'em. She's back here in the corner. She comes to work, she does her job, she's a team player, but at the same time, she likes to lock in, put her headphones on, and get her freaking job done right.

And that's what we let her do. and so, Clear expectations of the result. I don't care how we get there, If I'm saying, okay, well here's what you need to do. You need to make 18 phone calls. You need to send four videos. You need to do three text messages, and you're gonna follow up on this many leads, and you're gonna contact this and you're gonna do this, and you're gonna do that.

If I have to do that, dude, I'll just do it. I don't wanna teach you to do it. I'll just do it myself. So instead I'm like, I need you to sign four dealers a month. Here's the tools that we have at your disposal, and I will invest in anything else that you need that you think you need to be successful.

Anything. My people come to me. Brandon came to me the other day. He's like, bro, my computer's a hundred meg max on internet. I need faster downloads so I can create more content. Great. Here's the Amex. Go get what you want. And so they just know that there is a result that I expect and that it's up to them to figure out how to get that result and to do it with integrity, with honor, never cheat, never lie, never steal, always act in the best interest of the company.

And if I have to tell you what to do, we have a problem.


this is the end result and make it happen.


But in my company, in my organization, I only want self-driven creatives with a world-class standard that are going to come in and make my company better. That's the job. They're not here because I think I know it all.

and they need to continue what I've built, Uhuh, make my company better, make us more efficient, show me a better strategy, show me a better way. Bring something to the table, add value to the marketplace. And when you have a whole team of people doing that,



having that flexibility, they find that they're not producing at the level they wanna produce, so they sat down today as a group. And put together their own hard line schedule. I didn't put it in place. I don't care when they get here, just drive the result. So they did that on their own because they knew that they were performing here.

The expectation is here. And so they're figuring out on their own what they have to do to bridge that gap. And that's what you want, Kate, they have such high standards for themselves that, they can't help but level up my company in the process. And I just go,

I trust you.


and just the work that you do on your morning show, I mean, you're, in touch with kind of everybody, all different walks of life. What do you feel like are the biggest challenges right nowwhat do you feel like are the commonalities among people and the conversations that you're having with them when they're trying to grow and build?


So now you come and buy into it, and that just slows growth Big time on, any scale I've got multi millionaire car dealers they've been very successful for a very long time.

So when they bring people in, they're like, you need to do it my way or the highway as they say. And that keeps them small because in all honesty, there's no one person that is smarter than the collective.

It just doesn't exist. And so when we shut off people's ability to be creative, When we let our egos get in the way of other people being able to contribute to our vision of what we have. we have core values. our company does three things.

It brings people together, equips them with the tools they need to succeed and inspires people to be great. That's what our company does. Now, how we do those three things, We can do it through a conference, we can do it through a show. We could do it through, posts on social media.

We could do it through a workshop. We could do it through, a charitable event. We can do it through, having a intimate gathering on a remote island. Like I don't care how we bring people together, equipment with the tools they need to succeed and inspire them to be great.

Whereas I see most companies are so stuck on like, no, dude, you grab the shirt, you put it here, you fricking press the thing, you lift it up, you fricking put the shirt on the hangar and this is how we fricking do it, right?

So do it my way or get outta here. So that's what I would say is the biggest obstacles. People's egos just let go of how things were. Technology changes. psychology changes, ultimate principles of business never change, but the vehicles change all the time. The methods change all the time.


How do you make decisions?

are we changing names, are we changing structure, what we're doing and how we're operating?

What does that look like for you?


not, I know, not this is how it is, but I think so very often when I talk to my team, I say, I think this is a good idea.

And then the four words that leaders should use more often that they don't use enough is then I turn it around and I say, what do you think? So that's my system. I've got an idea, I bring it to the table. My team, we meet . Every single morning, right?and I say, I think we should X, Y, Z.

And then I follow that with, what do you think? Or sometimes even better, I'll go in and I'll say, what do you think about X, Y, Z? And I'll get all their feedback and then I'll say, Well, I think, and so we collaborate, And in collaboration, sometimes my team goes,

That is a stupid idea. We're not gonna do that. or they might validate and they might say, Hey, yeah, I could see how that could be beneficial, I'm talking every member of my team, the accounting people give me feedback.

My marketing people give me feedback. My sales people give me feedback. my executive assistant, she gives me feedback. I inspire them.

that's what's important. Right? the intention is for us to. Act in the best interest of the company and constantly, moving, growing, and scaling. And so we as individuals wanna be better. And as a company we wanna be better.


That's when you get to have really healthy conflict in an organization, which is really good. And It can be fun to have those healthy. conflicts because you know it's out of love and you know it's out of what's best for the organization, but you have to create that kind of culture


All of the rest of us were left behind to carry and load everything up and clean up and, you just jumped in the car and shot out of there. I understand that your wife was there. I understand that you had your kid, but like you weren't being a team player. It was a very selfish action on your part and.

He received that and was like, you're right. I'll work on that.I know that sometimes I put myself in front of the team and I need to work on, doing that, And it's a very healthy conversation. And so by me leading the charge on that, By allowing them to talk to me like that, they talk to each other that way, and they, develop each other.

he'll be a better team player now because she called him out I think it's a phenomenal way to, develop a culture is to have one where instant feedback in real time with great intention and love,



that's your first problem, And then the second problem is you have this limiting belief that there's a small pool of population of people that wanna freaking go to work. That is straight up bs. Dude. There's 8 billion people. People will move, people will quit jobs. People will do anything to go feel, seen, heard, and feel like they have an opportunity to chase their dreams.

So you gotta break out of that man. There's people like this everywhere.



evolution is going to advance:

It's vidyo.ai V I D Y o dot a ai I have people that edit my videos. I pay a lot of money for people to edit my videos. On Sunday, I went to vidyo.ai. And I uploaded a 45 minute video that was on YouTube of me giving a keynote.

Five minutes later. I had 12 reels, 12 square format, and 12 YouTube shorts automatically cut with captions, headers, and footers. I could change the color, I could change the logo. I could trim out the video to make it a little longer if I wanted to, or a little bit shorter if I wanted to Very, very easily.

it happened in five minutes. I had 36 pieces of content. So then I pulled an interview that I had done with Grant Cardone, pulled it off YouTube, dropped it in there, clicked in it, spit out 42 more pieces of content. Then I pulled a recent interview that I did, at in National Tennessee. I dropped it in and I got another 38 pieces of content, I believe it was.

So in less than one hour, I had over a hundred pieces of perfect, awesome quality content, and I don't know how to edit video that tool to get a hundred reels, normally would've took me months and a lot of money, I did it in an hour. There's another one called 11 labs.io.

Same day Sunday, I uploaded a three minute video of me speaking. Two seconds later, a chat box popped up, so I typed in the chat box. This is my executive assistant. Jessica Bailey is a rockstar. She deserves a raise. I want you to pay her $1 million a year and give her a $500,000 bonus.

And I type that in the chat and I hit enter. And all of a sudden my voice came through my ears saying, Jessica Bailey's a rockstar. You need to pay her a million dollars a year and give her a $500,000 bonus. If I would've played that soundtrack to my accounting, they would've wrote her a check for 500 grand.

I couldn't believe it. And it happened in. Seconds. So then I went to chat G P T, which we've all heard of. I wrote, write a three minute inspiring Speech in the Voice of Glen Lundy on living an 800% lifestyle.

And I pushed inner and it spit out a three minute deal in seconds. I copied and pasted it into 11 labs.io. Pushed a button and it read it in my voice. I hit download, took the audio file, went into video.ai, took a bunch of old content, dropped it, turned it into this hodgepodge of reels and squares. Took the audio, slapped it on top of the video, and now we had three minute videos professionally put together and done in seconds. We have the ability now to do in five years what used to take a hundred. And to me that's been the most shocking thing is I've built this business from literally nothing. Here we are now, the company's probably worth about $12 million and the trajectory is crazy of where we're going cuz we're literally just getting started.

But it used to take so much longer to do these things and it no longer does. So that to me has been the most shocking thing. it doesn't matter where you are in life right now. You can be at level zero. You can have $0 in your pocket, zero experience, zero wisdom, zero knowledge, and five years from now you can have a billion dollar company.

that is such an inspiring thought to end on just this idea that you can, in three years, look at all the things that you've accomplished. everything is available to us, and I love that you talked about. People with . This conversation around this idea that yes, there are good people, they do wanna work, they do wanna grow, they do wanna be part of an organization that is doing big things. And if you care about them and you care about their dreams, and you help them achieve those dreams simply by allowing them to be part of your, journey, it's a beautiful space, a beautiful place to play.


What is one skill that ,you could magically gain overnight, what would it be?


I can layer freaking audio, I can voice synthesize. there's another AI app that I used this morning. it's a music making app. non copyright music, making ai. You put what kind of theme you want, what kind of emotion you want, what kind of instruments you do or don't want, what kind of speed,

If you want it to be more hip hoppy or more country or whatever, and in two seconds it spits out like 30 audio beats. I am now a musician. I am an artist. I did this and sent it to Greg Cardone the other day. Because I went to another AI app, I forget what it's called, but I typed in, draw a picture of Grant Cardone flying through the air, like Superman,

Two seconds later. Mid Journey. That's what that one's called, mid Journey and that's in Discord.



And so, there's no skill that's developed overnight. I've learned to learn. I think that learning to learn was the best skill that I ever required in my whole life I'm just so dang curious and I love learning.

and people are like, well, that's cheating. It's all about the journey and what you learn along the way and all that crazy crap. And I'm like, okay, cool. Well, you take the journey and learn along the way, and I'm gonna take the shortcuts and figure out how to build my business, build my dream, and make an impact.

So while you're over there freaking grunting it out, I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna figure out how to do it faster


what is the best way for people to find you, connect with you and, get 'em involved with your morning show?


I think everybody should win and can win, and I'll celebrate your wins from a

distance, but


If you're not pumped, I don't know what's gonna pump you up, because Glen's energy is infectious. So many great strategies that he shared. And again, it's so inspiring to know that when we build a really great culture, when we, build something, when we have that vision and mission painted out for people to see that

we can attract really incredible people to come work with us, to come say, Hey, yes, I wanna be part of that mission. I wanna be part of that vision. And he is really living what we at Floyd talk about, which is your organization can only become the best version of itself to the extent that your people are becoming better versions of themselves

And so if you are interested in learning more about building a dynamic culture where people love coming to work and accomplishing great things together, where people are talking about your organization so you can attract and retain really great talent, we would love to talk to you.

first we have our free culture assessment that you can take, which will help you get your culture score. You can figure out where. Your company culture lies today. you can go to floyd coaching.com/culture to get that free assessment.

And we also invite you to learn a little bit more about the Dream Manager Program, It's an opportunity for you to have a dream manager in your organization that serves as the ultimate life coaching program for your people,

because if I help you recognize that Maybe you've fallen out of love with your dreams or maybe you've stopped dreaming. And when you can encourage your team members to dream again, they become more engaged in their life and then they become more engaged in their business, right?

that is what it's about.

you can go to the dream manager.com to check that out. We would love to talk to you either way. If you haven't yet written a review for Lead With Culture we would so appreciate it if you not only gave a review, but also, gave us a five star rating. We would love to hear what you have to say about the show, what you like about it.

maybe there's some leaders in your organization that you're like, Hey, we should have, my leader on the show. We would love to hear from you as well. we always love connecting with great people that care about their team, their people, and creating a great culture. So we appreciate you and until next time, lead with culture.

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About the Podcast

Lead with Culture
A company can only become the best version of itself to the extent that its people are becoming better versions of themselves. What’s the key to making that happen? Building dynamic cultures so people love coming to work and accomplishing great things together.

Hosted by Kate Volman, CEO of Floyd Coaching, Lead with Culture is a show dedicated to exploring how great leaders create workplaces where people can thrive both personally and professionally.

Conversations are inspired by Matthew Kelly's bestselling books The Dream Manager, The Culture Solution, and Off Balance. Guests include incredible leaders as well as Floyd executive coaches sharing stories and providing insights into real strategies used to attract and retain great talent, execute effectively, become better coaches, build teams and grow businesses.

Whether you're a CEO, HR executive, manager, or simply part of a team, this show will help you become a better leader.

About your host

Profile picture for Kate Volman

Kate Volman

Your dreams are yours for a reason. What are you doing about them?

Our vision at Floyd is to make work fun and engaging for as many people as possible, by delivering world-class training and creating cultures that lead to thriving businesses that are profitable, scalable, and sustainable. My team and I show up every day excited to make this happen.

My team and I can help you build a dynamic culture so people love coming to work and accomplishing great things together.
➡️ Coaching. Everyone needs a coach. We have a coach for everyone.
➡️ Training.
➡️ Speaking.

I love my career and the journey it took to get here.
⭐️ I led the sales team, improved company processes, and created programs, workshops, and initiatives to help business owners build better relationships and execute results-driven marketing strategies during my eight years at the Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce.
⭐️ I initiated content marketing strategies that drove more traffic and increased brand awareness while in my role as Marketing Director for the City of West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment Agency.
⭐️ I started a boutique marketing agency and helped business owners leverage digital marketing and video.
⭐️ I founded and facilitate Inspired Action, a goal-setting workshop specifically designed to help women achieve their goals.
⭐️ At Floyd, I lead a team of incredible people dedicated to helping people and organizations become the best version of themselves.

My mission is to help as many people as possible live a more joyful life doing more of what they love.
🎤 Check out my podcast Create for No Reason, a show about making something for the pure joy of it.

I love to network, collaborate, and help people achieve their dreams. The best way to connect with me is at kvolman@floydconsulting.com